Saturday, June 21, 2014

Africa 2014

It was a blessing to be able to preach the 11th Anniversary of Deaf BBC in Lusaka, Zambia.  Pastor Yohannes Getaneh is the pastor and he is being used greatly by the Lord in reaching the deaf (and hearing also) in Zambia. He has trained many deaf pastors who have started 23 churches in not only Zambia, but Botswana and Zimbabwe as well.

During this Conference Pastor Getaneh had me teaching the Deaf Pastor's during the morning sessions and preaching during the afternoons every day. There was also much evangelizing and street work accomplished by the church family and visiting pastor's at the end of each day.

I was blessed to be able to spend time with his family daily as I stayed at their home. Their three children are so wonderful and such a joy to be around too.  His wife, Kidist, made some wonderful Ethiopian meals (spicy hot) each day. Although I was exhausted at the end of each day I was spiritually refreshed and encouraged to see God working in our midst.  

During the week we saw 52 souls gloriously saved! The last Sunday service I was shocked at how many people they were able to fit into their building. They told me 642 were in the building and another 100 were outside looking in through the doors and windows. That Sunday there were 22 saved and 25 baptized. 

There were 4 deaf men who received diploma's from the Bible College there and were being sent out to start new churches.

John and Lorna Sarra (FBBC's very own missionaries there in Zambia since 1994) made the 5 hour drive from Kafulafuta and we were able to spend a few days together at this conference.  The Sarra's are faithful missionaries and have much going on each day involved in the their own ministries but I was so glad they were able to slip away from their work to come to the conference.  I love the Sarra's greatly!

Cam Prewitt (who recently was transferred from CT to SC) was with me on this trip and (as always) was such a joy to be around!  He also taught, preached and did chalk drawings for the kids at the deaf school.  He is such a blessing!

I will attach as many pictures as I am able to upload to this site so you can enjoy just a small taste of the work there.

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