Wednesday, March 21, 2012

It's been awhile!

It has been awhile since I have made an update here.  I guess you now understand why I call it my "once in awhile blog". Just a few updates.

First the great spiritual news.  We have had two families join the church in the last couple of weeks.  We also have several families who have been attending for the last 2 months and they have commented to my wife and me that they are rejoicing to have found FBBC.  That's always a blessing to hear.  We have also had two adults baptized in the last month.  However, the BEST news of all is that three adults have been saved in the last three weeks!  GLORY TO GOD!  One couple is Adrian and Cindy.  They are both nurses and moved to CT to work on contract with St. Francis hospital for 3 months.  I am praying they will have their contract extended so we can get them both grounded in the scriptures before they have move on down the road.  In fact, it would be great if the Lord left them here with us.  We have fallen in love with them.  Another is a young Mom.  Her name is Amy.  My wife and I met with her in her home and she was gloriously saved! It so wonderful to see the lights go on as the holy Spirit gives them understanding of the gospel.  I love being a Christian and an ambassador for Christ!

The Teens just returned from TEEN THUNDER at Pastor Lake's church, Blessed Hope BC in Bridgewater, Nova Scotia.  Five teens were saved from Canada, and all of our teens came back fired up to serve the Lord! Praise the Lord! I am so grateful for Pastor Ken Sparks and the adult workers (the Sturgeon's & the Burhoe's) who sacrifice so much of their time and finances to work with our young people!

Our men handed out over 2500 tracts and did extensive street ministry at the St Partick's Day parade last week.  I am so grateful to Dave Howard for heading up that ministry for us.  He has been so faithful to the street ministry for many years.  I sure do appreciate all the faithful men (Harry, Bert, Herb, Dave, Isaac, and many others) who faithfully go on Saturday's!

Our 28th Church Anniversary will be in just a few weeks (April 9th to 15th).  This year we are blessed to have with us Pastor Doug Fisher from Lighthouse BC in Lemon Grove, CA.,  as well as Evangelist Brian DelGrande. We are looking forward to a wonderful week of preaching and fellowship together!

Camp Meeting will be here before we know it too!  This year it will be July 8 to 15.  Dr Sam Gipp, Evangelist Steve Cowgill, Evangelist Buddy Blunkall, Pastor Eddie Wyatt and others will be preaching this year.  Camp Meeting is always a great time and such spiritual refreshment!

We also had most of our Fellowship hall floor tiled.  We are still needing about 1200 sq ft of ceramic tile to finish the entire floor.  We are grateful to Brother Kaiser from Solid Rock BC in Berlin, NJ for arranging to get the tile for us in the first place!  He and his wife have been such a blessing to us here at FBBC!  I will attempt to attach a few pictures of the tile work. Two of our faithful men, Isaac Raymond and Darren Maynes laid the tile and did the grouting work!  They did a SUPER job!

1 comment:

  1. Bro. Benson..great update...God is surely at work at FBBC. I was able to make it to 4 evening services at Teen you probably heard...the Lord met with us on Thursday night...I haven't seen God work like that in a while. Before Bro. Ken preached he felt the need for all to seek God's face. It was after that the Holy Spirit began to work. My wife and I had to return to Halifax that night...the meeting was still going on when we left at 11:00pm. It was something that we all needed to see. Bless the Lord...God is so good!

    God bless you as you serve HIM!

    Your friend...

    Bro. Ken
    Joshua 1:8,9
