Well, day 5 and the last night of this years VBS was a great finish to blessed week. We had well over 100 kids, teens and adults here for the last night. There was a skit on salvation at the conclusion of the night. To our knowledge there were four children saved during the week.
However, it did not stop there as I just got off the telephone from speaking to two of our families and was told that two more (their children and grandchildren) boys were saved this afternoon. So, the seed sowed by the holy Spirit this past week is still reaping souls even after the VBS is concluded. God's word never returns void!
I praise the Lord for all the teens and adults who worked so hard to make this a blessed VBS. They ALL did an AWESOME job! MY THANKS TO ALL OF YOU!
All of us (children, teens and adults) are already looking forward to next years VBS!
"Ship Ahoy" for next year!
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