PRAISE THE LORD! We had 59 children come to VBS last night with 7 first time visitors. Another young boy was saved. His name is Nelson Guzman and he is 8 years old. It sure is exciting. He is a cousin of one of our church family.
These kids are having a fun time for sure, but the sole purpose is to provide an opportunity for lost kids to hear the gospel. We even had a teen come as a participant because he was invited by one of the visitors who has been coming all week long. He felt out of place being a ninth grader sitting with 6th graders so I hooked him up with a few of our teen boys who were working in the VBS. He seemed to feel better after that and opened up a tad. I invited him to come to church on Sunday so he could go to the teen class. He seemed very interested. He then told me he was planning to return again tonight. GLORY!
I have attached a few more pictures from last night...KEEP PRAYING!
Great pictures! Hailey had a wonderful time at VBS, she can't wait until next year already. It was a blessing to hear about all the visitors and friends of our FBBC kids that came.