Thursday, July 19, 2012


Well, Camp Meeting 2012 has come, and it has quickly.  This year we again had the following preachers:  Brothers Steve Cowgill, Sam Gipp, Nathan Gipp, Eddie Wyatt and Buddy Blunkall.  All of these men of God were used by the holy Spirit to deliver messages to us in such a powerful way.  I truly praise the Lord for His ministering to all of us each service.  Before I forget you can download and listen to most of the messages on our website (  Most have already been placed on the website but some still need to be uploaded. Feel free to download and listen at your convenience.

The "THEME" for this years Camp Meeting was "REVIVAL in US and USA"  My wife, Bonnie, and I have been searching the word of God and reading books about revival for several months and we have been researching revivals that have taken place in the past.  We have been praying for the holy Spirit to work in our midst, our church and our nation!  In our study & search we came across much information about one revival that captivated our attention and our heart...the Welch Revival of 1904-1906. That revival was primarily spurred on by young people who were seeking revival.  As the revival spread (over 100,000 were reported saved), pubs closed, the crime rate dropped, drunkards were reformed, bad language disappeared and never returned to the lips of many. The newspapers reported the revival extensively.  There is a hymn associated with that revival entitled, "Here is Love, Vast as the Ocean".  It was spontaneously sung by a young woman, Annie Davies, at one of the meetings in Wales back in 1904 and it eventually became known as the "Love Song of the Welsh Revival".(here is a link to it being sung  There are several verses but you can get a blessing listening to this short version.  I also suggest you take a look at this link (, however, be aware that it is graphic as it attempts to depict the scourging and crucifixion of our Saviour. As a congregation we sung this hymn at every morning & evening service during the Camp Meeting. I do not think I will ever get this hymn out of my mind and heart!

This coming Sunday night (July 22, 2012) at the 6:00 PM service we will be graduating another of our Bible Institute students, Buddy Sadlosky.  It is always a joy to see folks graduate.  They invest much time and effort into taking all of the classes and their labor for the Lord will not be unrewarded.  Buddy will be following the Lord's leading and starting a new church (Cornerstone Baptist Church) in Brattleboro, Vermont on September 9th.  I am blessed to be the one to open the church with the first service and introduce Pastor Buddy to the townsfolk of Brattleboro.  What a blessing it will be for me! I am looking forward to opening the doors of another church here in New England!  Glory to God!

Next Tuesday through Thursday (July 24-26) a bunch of folks from FBBC will be traveling to Berlin, NJ for the Northeast Vision Conference.  Approximately 200 pastors attend this meeting! Pastor Clark and all of the folks at Solid Rock Baptist Church have always done a GREAT job ministering to all of us who attend.  Last year we had 53 folks from our church travel down for the meeting.  All of us were spiritually refreshed and helped.  We are looking forward to the Lord speaking to us again this year.  I am so thankful to the Clark family and all the wonderful folks at SRBC.  They have such a ministering spirit! Please pray for this meeting.

Tean Camp in Maine (August 13-16) , VBS (Aug 20-24), special meetings with Brother James Knox (Oct 1-5), and our Missions Conference with Pastor Jim McGaughey (Oct 28-31) are just a few of the highlighted events over the next few months!

Please continue to pray for the Lord to use FBBC to reach lost souls for Christ, disciple them, and glorify the Lord Jesus Christ with our lives.

1 comment:

  1. otr214425
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