Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Lord has blessed in many ways during this past week. Last Sunday morning a young lady recently saved was baptized. It was an answer to our prayers being brought before the Lord for almost a year. Thank you Lord!

The last few Wednesday nights I have been teaching about witnessing and helping the church family to become more familiar with all the verses they can use in their witnessing efforts. We take each of the major parts of information needed for the lost to get a clear understanding of the truth of scripture, and show all the scripture they can use to expose truth to the folks they are witnessing to. I have had many folks tell me what a blessing this has been for them and that it has strengthened their desire to witness to the lost.

Also, last Wednesday night during testimony and prayer request time Rui and Lily told us the great news that Rui's niece and nephew (in Portugal) have finally understood the scriptures concerning the false teaching of their church regarding tongues, and all the false teachings of the Pentecostal and Charismatic confusion. It is especially a blessing because Rui's nephew has been a pastor in that false teaching for many years. That man of God had the conviction and courage to resign his position as a pastor of that church. THAT blesses my heart to know that there are still Christian men and women who will do right EVEN in the face of losing all they have invested their life into once they understand truth. The TRUTH makes FREE! Rui's niece said to Rui, "I am willing to begin all over again to learn the truth of scripture!" THAT is a godly woman. I am sure the Lord has tremendous plans for their future in ministry there in Portugal.

I have also been in contact with a man this week (he contacted me first because he received a tract that directed him to our church). He was married just last year to a lady who professes to be saved, and after speaking with her last night I believe she is a Christian. The man has been overcome by and battling a stronghold and addiction that has just about destroyed him over the last 6-7 years. He has lost just about everything. Well, he and his wife came to our Reformers Unanimous meeting last night and brought their son with them. The wife was thrilled and he too was affected in a wonderful way by the word of God taught and preached, as well as by the warmness and caring folks who minister faithfully every Friday night at our RU chapter here in Plainville. I also met a 14 year old young lady who was gloriously saved last night at RU. She is related to some of our RU workers and she has been attending with them for the last few weeks. GLORY TO GOD for a new name written down in glory!

I am heading to the Boston area today (Saturday) to preach the first anniversary of a new church we have been helping get planted in Stoneham, MA. Pastor Chuck Starr and his wife, Shelly and their daughter, Shelly had moved back to MA (their old stomping grounds) with the Lord's leading in Chuck's heart to start this new church, Calvary Baptist Church. Tomorrow is a big day for them and they are praying for many visitors to come and for folks to get saved and added to the church. Please pray for me to be used of the Lord in the services there tomorrow.

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