Saturday, November 9, 2013


"If you could go back to your 18th year what advice would you have for yourself?" 

Tomorrow my first grandson, Jared,  (of 14 wonderful grandchildren) will be turning 18 years old.  The following question was put to me by a Christian friend today, "If you could go back to your 18th year what advice would you have for yourself?" 

I must tell you that a countless number of thoughts entered into my mind in a flash of time at that instant. I sent the question to my wife as well.  The person who asked me the question is also a dear friend of my grandson and they sent this question out to many folks around the world (Missionaries, Pastor's, business people etc). They are compiling all of this "advice" given and then handing it to Jared tomorrow on his birthday.  If I am allowed to do so I just might post all of their thoughts as well. I can not wait to read what they thought would be good advice for themselves to take should they be 18 years young again.

Below is first my list followed by the thoughts from my wife. 


If I could go back to my age of 18 again and put into practice in my life the lessons I have learned along the path of my life these last 64 years I would make many changes…way too many to be able to name them all, so let me “sum up” with the major ones as they come to my mind for you:

I would have established a more deep & intimate spiritual life with the Lord Jesus Christ.
I would read and study the Bible more so I could help myself and others!
I would spend more time with my parents and siblings.  Family is more important than friends.
I would be a better son to my Mom and Dad than I was.
I would avoid the “friends” I had at that time who were influencing me in a negative way.
I would watch, listen & learn from truly spiritual Christians and ignore the foolish advice of my peers.  (Study Rehoboam and see what resulted from his neglecting advice from the ancients and instead taking the advice from his cost him dearly.)
I would be more serious and sober minded about the important issues of life.
I would work on not being an impulsive “buyer” of “stuff”. 
I would save more for the future. The future comes at you faster than you would think.

I would spend less on me and invest more of my finances on the things of God.
I would enjoy the life God is giving to me for there is no promise of a tomorrow coming.
I would be more God conscious in each moment of time.
I would flee from the sinful “pleasures” life and people throw at you as they attempt to entice you to participate in their sin with them.

I would know that sin always enslaves you.  It only leads to bondage and never “liberty”.
I would not run ahead of God’s leading.  Wait upon Him to lead you then follow His lead. Psalm 27:14; Psalm 37:23; Proverbs 3:5-6
I would do better at LISTENING to others.
In regards to marriage, I would not have gotten married so young.  Even though I have been happily married for 43 years now, it was extremely difficult in my young years as an immature husband and father. 
Remember, “Never be in a hurry to enter a room with no exits!” and “It’s always better to want something you don’t have, than to have something you don’t want."  Marriage is for life, until death do you part…so wait on the Lord for His choice for you…you will be glad you did!
Lastly, I would seriously consider all the advice I have received on my 18th birthday from people all over the world, and take and apply that advice as God directs me from His word!

Love you,

Here are some thoughts from my wonderful bride:


Some advice I wish I had gotten when I was 18:

Spiritual:  Make sure you are saved!  And then after salvation realize that you must walk daily with the Lord (reading your Bible and prayer).  Realize you can't live the Christian life -- you must die to self and let God live through you.  Always put Jesus Christ first in your life.  Love your Lord.  Never make a decision without consulting God on it.  No matter how long it takes, wait for His guidance -- then heed to what He tells you.  Through the triumphs of life and the trials of life, give God the glory!  Confess and forsake sin.  Walk humbly before your God.  Always seek God's perfect will for every area of your life!!

Practically:  NEVER live above your means.  Learn to budget money, including a generous amount for giving to the Lord and savings.  Eschew credit cards -- they will be your ruin!!  Don't get drawn into the world's way in regard to credit!!  Take good care of what God has given you or allowed you to possess.  Maintain your home, maintain your cars.  Do not let either fall into disrepair.  Work hard.  There is no substitute for hard work.  Live a decent and orderly life!!!

Relationally:  Cultivate godly friendships.  Don't have a critical or judgmental spirit.  Give the benefit of the doubt unless you have proof otherwise.  Love unconditionally.  Don't be in a hurry to get married.  Do not marry until God has shown you the right lady to marry.  Seek godly counsel before you enter into this most sacred area of life.  Then after marriage, love your wife.  Be humble enough to admit when you have been wrong.  "…those that walk in pride God is able to abase."  When God blesses you with children, love your children enough to raise them according to the Bible.  Maintain a lifestyle of integrity. "Keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life."

Love you,