My wife, Bonnie, and 55 folks from our church family drove 4 hours to Berlin, NJ to attend the 3rd N.E. Vision Summit held at Solid Rock Baptist Church. It was an added plus to go there right after attending our own Camp Meeting the week previous. We were all spiritually ready for more great preaching in NJ.
The Clark family and members of SRBC blessed our heart in so many ways. They are all so giving, loving, and caring servants of the Lord Jesus Christ! They took care of every need imaginable and then showered all of us with so much more! Praise the Lord for this wonderful church family.
The preaching was holy Spirit led. Each and every message and service dealt with us by God in the areas of personal convictions, courage, consecration, complacency, focus back to the Lord Jesus Christ, humility, God's ability, sin, service, and so much more. Words can not describe the filling of my cup during the last three days.
Every message was GREAT, however two messages in particular stand out in my heart right now. Both of them were preached by Pastor Doug Fisher. One dealt with the topic of "Keeping Rank" and the second dealt with the topic of "Humility". WOW!
The music was all Christ honoring and uplifting! Thank the Lord for old fashioned Spirit led music. All I can say is again, WOW!
The last day of the conference we filled 15 buses to the max and drove into Philadelphia to the green in front of Independence Hall and sang hymns, patriotic songs, quoted scriptures and handed out 1,oo0's of tracts and John and Romans. One 19 year old was saved that I am personally aware of and who knows how many more souls will be birthed into the kingdom of God as a result of the few hours in Philadelphia that day. Again, it was a WOW experience.
God ministered to me personally so much during these two back to back meetings (Camp Meeting and N.E .Vision Summit) and I am so grateful to my God and Saviour Jesus Christ for ministering to me, my wife, my kids, my grandkids, and my church family! THANK YOU LORD!