Wednesday, November 24, 2010


WELL, FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO THOUGHT I HAD DIED BECAUSE THERE HAS BEEN NO NEW POSTS TO THIS BLOG...I DIDN'T! I AM STILL ALIVE AND WELL! This has been a very busy last few months for sure. I won't put you to sleep with all the details but needless to say we have been hopping every day.

We have suffered the loss of some dear saints of our church family (Cal Burhoe and Katheryn Young) as they have traveled on to glory ahead of us. We were hoping and praying that we ALL could go Home on the "family plan" in the rapture but such was not the Lord's will. Praise the Lord we know where they are and we WILL see them again...soon!

These last few months we have seen a wonderful harvest of souls as many have heard the gospel and were gloriously saved by His marvelous grace! Last Sunday morning (November 21st) we saw two men (one in his 30's and one about 17 years old) walk the sawdust trail and call upon the Lord to save them! GLORY! We also had a young husband and wife (in their 20's) who were recently saved get baptized and join the church! The evening service I preached on being THANKFUL and then opened up the service to the church family and there was about an hour of great testimonies about the Lord Jesus Christ! It was a wonderful day!

We have been 6 years now in our new building and we have never been able to save enough money to be able to finish the fellowship hall below the auditorium. Brother Joe Kaiser from Northeast Vision (out of Solid Rock Baptist Church in New Jersey) was here with us for our Missions Conference and he challenged us to try and raise the funds to get started. As a result the Lord has enabled us to raise some of the monies needed to be able to do a good portion of the room and as a result the Lord is sending brother Kaiser and a crew of about 6 of his men to come to FBBC next Monday to install the ceiling, ceramic tile, plumbing fixtures, and finish our kitchen. I am still amazed at what the Lord is doing here at FBBC!!!! I am grateful to have such godly friends as Brother Kaiser! He is a blessing everywhere he goes! He is a blessing to me and to FBBC. Thank you Lord for crossing our paths!