What a blessing I have had the last week as my lovely wife and I spent a week of time together. Bonnie and I will celebrate 40 years together as husband and wife this June 20th and we sure had a blast together the last week. I sure do love my bride!
We were also able to spend time with our daughter, Tina and her husband, Eric...but also with our grandson, Jr. It is always a treasured time for us to get together with them as we are only able to do so once each year. At age seven Jr has a sharp mind and he loves to talk and ask questions, go for walks with his Nana and Papa, ride his bike and scooter as we walked along with him. Oh! He LOVES to eat too! Although he has had difficulty lately as all four of his front teeth are missing. However, he had no difficulty devouring a burger and french fries at "Steak and Shake" in his hometown in Florida.
Then we also were able to drive up to Tampa and see Bonnie's dad. He is 90 years old now and is still in pretty good health and even drives himself all over town. Could I ask you to pray for him? He is still lost and we are so earnestly praying for him to come to a place of personal repentance and salvation through faith and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and His finished work on Calvary.